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CyberCrypt.D1.Client assembly

CyberCrypt.D1.Client namespace

public typedescription
abstract class D1BaseClientClient for connection to a D1 server.
class D1ChannelChannel for communication with the D1 server.
class D1GenericClientClient for connection to a D1 Generic server.
class D1StorageClientClient for connection to a D1 Storage server.
interface ID1BaseInterface for Encryption service client
interface ID1GenericInterface for D1 Generic service client
interface ID1StorageInterface for D1 Storage service client

CyberCrypt.D1.Client.Credentials namespace

public typedescription
interface ID1CallCredentialsInterface for credential implementations.
class TokenCredentialsCredentials based off a user provide token.
class UsernamePasswordCredentialsCredentials from username and password.

CyberCrypt.D1.Client.Response namespace

public typedescription
class CreateGroupResponseResponse from CreateGroup or CreateGroupAsync.
class CreateUserResponseResponse from CreateUser or CreateUserAsync.
class DecryptResponseResponse from Decrypt or DecryptAsync.
class EncryptResponseResponse from Encrypt or EncryptAsync.
class GetPermissionsResponseResponse from GetPermissions or GetPermissionsAsync.
class RetrieveResponseResponse from Retrieve or RetrieveAsync.
class SearchResponseResponse from Search or SearchAsync.
class StoreResponseResponse from Store or StoreAsync.
class VersionResponseResponse from Version or VersionAsync.

CyberCrypt.D1.Client.ServiceClients namespace

public typedescription
class D1AuthnClientAuthn client for connection to a D1 server.
class D1AuthzClientAuthz client for connection to a D1 server.
class D1EncryptClientEncrypt client for connection to a D1 server.
class D1IndexClientIndex client for connection to a D1 server.
class D1StoreClientStore client for connection to a D1 server.
class D1VersionClientVersion client for connection to a D1 server.
interface ID1AuthnInterface for Authn client
interface ID1AuthzInterface for Authz client
interface ID1EncryptInterface for Encrypt client
interface ID1IndexInterface for Index client
interface ID1StoreInterface for Store client
interface ID1VersionInterface for Version client

CyberCrypt.D1.Client.Utils namespace

public typedescription
enum ScopeThe possible permission scopes.