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CYBERCRYPT D1 library explainer

This document defines the main concepts and use cases for the D1 library.


Provider concepts

Providers are interfaces that the library relies on for delivering functionality that is necessary, but orthogonal, to the implemented cryptographic mechanisms. The users of the library can plug in various implementations of the same Provider behavior, depending on their use-case.


Key Provider

The Key Provider is the source of cryptographic key material for the library. Implementations of its interface must be able to provide four 256-bit keys: Key Encryption Key (KEK), Access Encryption Key (AEK), Token Encryption Key (TEK), Index Encryption Key (IEK).

IO Provider

The IO Provider acts as a source and destination for the encrypted data produced/consumed by the library. Implementations of its interface could use various types of storage, for example: blob storage, relational databases, queues, in-memory storage, etc.

Identity Provider

The Identity Provider is the source of identifying information about the caller of the library. It allows the library to validate Identity Tokens and fetch their corresponding Identity objects. Implementations of its interface could use various Identity and Access Management (IAM) solutions such as SAML or OpenID. For easily getting up and running, the library implements a Standalone Identity Provider.


An Identity is an object that contains data about the caller of the library. This data includes:

  • a string that uniquely identifies each instance;
  • the Scopes of the caller;
  • the Groups that the caller belongs to.

The Identity Provider implementation must decide the format of the identifying strings for Identities and Groups, as well as ensure their uniqueness across instances.


Scopes are used to control access to the Encrypted Objects. Identities have associated Scopes, and they can only perform operations on Data when they have the required scopes. See our documentation for examples of how to enforce access control using the D1 library.

Identity Token

Identity Tokens are strings provided by the library callers so that they can be authenticated by the Identity Provider. When authenticating a call, the Identity Provider validates the token and returns an Identity object with the caller data. These tokens should preferably be opaque to anyone but the Identity Provider.

Standalone Identity Provider

The Standalone Identity Provider is an Identity Provider implementation designed to easily get up and running for the library users who do not have an existing IAM system in place. It provides the following functionalities:

  • Creating and managing Users, Groups and Identity Tokens;
  • Translating between Identity Tokens and Identities;
  • Storing the user data with the configured IO Provider;
  • Encrypting Users, Groups and Identity Tokens using the configured encryption keys: User Encryption Key (UEK), Group Encryption Key (GEK), Token Encryption Key (TEK).


A User is a data structure used by the Standalone Identity Provider to store data about the callers of the library. Users are uniquely identified using a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) as defined in the RFC-4122 standard, and they authenticate to the Standalone Identity Provider with their UUID string and a password provided upon user creation. A User structure contains the salt and hash of the User's password, its Scopes and a set of Groups that the User is a member of.


A Group is a data structure used by the Standalone Identity Provider to manage sets of Users. Groups have their own associated Scopes and can be used to manage access to Encrypted Objects for multiple users at a time.

Only Users who are part of a Group are allowed to modify its members or Scopes.

Data concepts


An Object contains binary data owned by a User which can be encrypted resulting in an Encrypted Object and an Access List.

Besides the binary data itself, an Object can optionally contain some additional associated data, which will not be encrypted in the Encrypted Object, but it’s integrity is checked in the decryption process. This associated data can be used, for example, for indexing encrypted objects.

Access List

Each Encrypted Object has a corresponding Access List, which is used to control who is able to decrypt the object. Access Lists are encrypted, and they contain in their ciphertext a set of IDs of the Groups which are allowed to decrypt the corresponding Encrypted Object.

Only Users who are part of the Access List are allowed to modify it. By default, an Access List has only the ID of the default Group of the User who created it.


A Token represents some arbitrary encrypted data with an attached expiration time. Data inside of a Token is not access controlled, i.e. it can be decrypted by any caller of the library as long as the expiration time hasn’t passed.

Search Index

A Search Index is an object used to map keywords to Encrypted Objects, allowing the ability to search over encrypted data. The Search Index cryptographically hides the contents and the number of keywords and Encrypted Objects, as well as the mapping between them.

Use cases

The D1 library allows Users to encrypt Objects and to restrict the ability to decrypt only for specific user Groups through the Access Lists. Additionally, the library offers support for creating encrypted security tokens and for searching over encrypted data.

Application layer encryption

The majority of software applications use encryption for securing data in-transit and at-rest. This means that the data is protected only while being transferred over the network and while being stored, and any compromised software or machine in the data path can leak sensitive data. Application layer encryption reduces the attack surface by encrypting data end-to-end, inside the applications that create and consume it.

The D1 library provides cryptographic functions for protecting data and enforcing access control, which can be used to implement application layer encryption.


Storing data in untrusted locations

Storing sensitive data in the cloud can be risky as you have to trust that the cloud provider has good security protections to avoid unauthorized access to the data. Moreover, you have to make sure that you configure the security mechanisms offered by the cloud provider properly which can in and of itself be challenging in multi-cloud setups.

The D1 library can be used to encrypt data at the application layer, before being sent to the storage, allowing its users to not rely only on the cloud providers to protect their sensitive data.


Granular access control

The D1 library can be used to implement various access control schemes for protecting data and ensuring that only certain applications/users can decrypt it. This can for example be used to ensure that applications that produce data can encrypt it, but cannot read it, minimizing the risk of a data leak if that application is compromised.


Searchable encrypted data

The D1 library implements a secure index which can be used to create Searchable Symmetric Encryption which allows users to search for keywords in encrypted data without decrypting it.


Secure index

A secure index is an encrypted map on which 3 operations can be performed, Add, Search, and Delete.

Usually, the elements in a hash map are called keys and values. In this context the keys are referred to as labels in order to not mix them up with encryption keys.

  • Add takes as input a keyword and an identifier (e.g. a document ID), computes an encrypted label -> value pair, and stores it in a secure index. The label -> value pair maps the given keyword to the given identifier.
  • Search takes as input a keyword, computes the corresponding encrypted labels, finds the encrypted values in the secure index that the labels map to, decrypts them, and returns the plaintext identifiers to the user.
  • Delete takes as input a keyword and an identifier, computes the encrypted label -> value pair, and deletes that pair from the secure index.

The security properties that the implementation brings are:

  • The total number of keyword/identifier pairs is hidden from the caller (but not from the IO Provider).
  • The total number of identifiers and keywords is hidden from both the caller and the IO Provider.
  • The D1 Library does not leak unencrypted keywords or identifiers to any other parties than the caller.
  • The IO Provider cannot learn anything from the queries about which identifiers contain which keywords as everything (keywords and identifiers) is encrypted in the IO Provider.


Consider a scenario with 3 different documents identified as id1, id2, id3, respectively. The documents contain, among other words, the following keywords, and the keyword/identifier pairs can be added to the secure index.

  • id1 contains the keyword keyword1.
  • id1 and id2 both contain the keyword keyword2.
  • id2 contains the keyword keyword3.
  • id1, id2, and id3 all contain the keyword keyword4.

Given a keyword for a Search query, all the identifiers that contain the given keyword can then be identified, even when the documents are encrypted. Given e.g. keyword4 for a Search query, the output will be ["id1", "id2", "id3"]. If keyword keyword4 and identifier id1 are then given to a Delete query, then the output from the Search query on input keyword4 will now be ["id2", "id3"].


In this section, some more technical details about the implementation are given.

Given a keyword and an identifer for an Add query, a Label is computed based on a secret key, the keyword, and a counter (explained below), and a Node representing the identifier is created.

Node = {
Identifier: "id1",
NextCounter: 1,

The Label is then mapped to the Node as shown below, and the "Label -> Node" correlation is stored in the secure index. Both the Label and the Node are encrypted before they are stored in order to avoid having plaintext keywords or identifiers outside of the D1 Library. Note that the keyword is used when encrypting the Node which means that the encrypted Node can only be decrypted if the keyword is known.

In secure index:

encrypted Label(secret key, keyword, counter) -> encrypted Node(keyword, identifier)

To allow for multiple identifiers per keyword, the Node (before encryption) also contains a NextCounter as shown above. NextCounter is used to compute the next Label based on the same keyword. If the keyword has only been mapped to a single identifier, then its encrypted Node's NextCounter is 0. Given a keyword for a Search query, all the identifiers that it maps to, i.e. all the identifiers that contain the given keyword, are then easily found by going through the chain of NextCounter's and computing the corresponding Label for each counter. The chain is illustrated below. It is ensured that the counter used to compute the first Label in the chain is always known.


Given a keyword and an identifer for a Delete query, the correct Label/Node pair is found and deleted. The chain remains intact as the previous NextCounter is updated to the deleted Node's NextCounter.